Waiting List We are currently at capacity and not accepting new clients at this time. However, for future services, please complete the form below to be added to our waitlist. We will contact you as soon as we resume accepting new clients. Name * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### May we contact you via text? * Yes No Email * Are you an established client? * Example; Dr. Newton has seen your horse in the past year. Yes No Number of Owned Horses * 1-2 Horses 3-6 Horses 7+ Horses I am looking for: * Please select all that apply. Establishing Care/Switching Veterinarians Referred from another clinic Recommended from a friend Other: Please list below Type of Appointment: * Please select all that apply Establish Care Exam Routine Dental Extraction Pre-Purchase Exam Health Certificate / Coggins Soundness Evaluation Castration Gastroscopy Exam for Prescription Refill Other Would you like an estimate of any services? * Yes No If so, please describe what you would like an estimate for: Have you filled out our Update Information / New Client paperwork yet? * Yes No I understand that by submitting this form, I am not guaranteed an appointment within a certain time frame. I am submitting my information to Tumalo Ridge Equine Veterinary Services, LLC to be placed on a waiting list, and may be contacted in the future to schedule an appointment. I agree to submit a New Client Form prior to the appointment once scheduled. * Please type first and last name Date * MM DD YYYY Thank you!